
Group Reflection

Group Reflection             This is the first time that I am in a group of students at the university. At first, I did not know any of my group members, but as time passed I met them and I realized that they were amazing people. We are a unique group, very different from each other. They were my first friends, because I was forced to interact with them. All the activities we have done have been done as a group working as a team. I think that this activity of joining us in a group helped me to interact more with other people. Each one of us knew his role and thanks to the leader of the group Jan we were able to deliver all the works on time since we were not the most responsible group. Even so I feel that we had a great time together, we had chemistry and we got along very well. It was great to meet such incredible friends like them. Hope we still together next semester.

Blog Reflection

Blog Reflection:             I thought I was quite up to date with technology but a week ago I realized that I am a failure. I was assigned by my teacher to make this blog and I thought "this must be very simple" but even though if I did it, for me it was almost impossible. So, if you see any other blog in my name then that was me trying to make mine. Basically, what I did was to follow the instructions that I said on the page and after doing it I did not know how to find it because I always lost my link.   Despite all the work that goes on doing it, I realized that I was enjoying it. I’ve never done something like that. I felt like I was doing a blog for business things. Now I’m posting all my reflections. I’m not a person who likes to post his works, show them to the world. Also, not being a good bilingual person makes doubt about the quality of my posts but it was a mandatory from the professor, so here it is. I hope ...

Crossroad Experience

Crossroad experience Driving a vehicle is a responsibility and there are people who are not yet ready for that. My parents always told me to drive with care, and more if I traveled with people since their lives were my responsibility. But who listens to their parents? I loved to accelerate my car to the limit as if I was running away from something. I loved to feel the adrenaline like any enthusiast who loved cars. It was the typical young man with a sports car with aspirations to turn it into a real machine. I had an Acura RSX with fantastic rims and spoiler. It looked amazing, super sports and even believed that I was the coolest student in the school. I loved turning it on for just hearing it, and staying for hours looking at it and thinking about what else would make it look better. Leather seats, sunroof, touchscreen and much more, in short was the car of my dreams but come true. When I saw the opportunity, I let my car show its potential by accelerating it to the maximum. ...

Reflection Of hurricane Maria

Reflection: hurricane Maria Hurricane Maria took Puerto Rico by surprise. It will be very difficult for people to forget this, taking as an example those who could not forget San Cipriano, Georges or Hugo. We were not prepared for this, regardless of the technological advances we have or how much they warned us. The new generation had never seen anything like this, much less experience it.              The hurricane was horrible but honestly, I did not see much since I was sleeping. According to my parents, it was very intense and they were traumatized. After the hurricane passed, I realized the disaster that monster had made. We quickly set about picking up and cleaning the surroundings, I think we were among the first to be totally clean. Cleaning the streets that connect us with other towns was a bit more difficult, but it was achieved. In the urbanization that I live my father and I were the only ones who cleaned the ...

Life Compass Reflection

Life Compass reflection             Writing a journal is one thing, but evaluating your life is something very different. While I was writing the journal, I was talking about things I did and events that had happened during the day. When I started doing life compass I thought it was silly and I did not need to do it, for me it was more difficult to make life compass after the journal. After all, why would I want to do something that gives me more work? Every time I had to do it, I would think about how I had gone in my day and then evaluate myself. I got used to doing it and although I was getting worse in my way of drawing, it became a habit to do it every day. Every time I drew it uglier, but each time it made me think more and more about how my day went. Then I began to understand that this exercise, not only gave us more work for the journal, but helped us to understand how we had spent it during the day and what we could...

Journal Reflection

Journal Reflection At first when we began writing our journals I wasn’t quite sure what to write about. It was a free writing journal, but I still had no idea what to write about. In the writing process there are some rules that we need to follow in order to write the journals. The rule that I found most difficult was the non-stop writing because beside the fact that my hand was hurting, I just couldn’t continue to keep writing fluently which is one of my obstacles when it comes to writing. The problem was that I didn’t know how to spell the words that I needed. Also I have some trouble when it comes to verbs because some are used in past tense, in present and future. In addition, having to write a lot in 10 minutes was very challenging. There were times I didn’t write enough to fill up an entire page or I didn’t have a good topic to talk. But even though these challenges were hard I really enjoyed writing all the quick thoughts that came to my mind.      A...

Reflection of "Salvation"

Reflection of Salvation:             Salvation it’s a story that deliver us a problem that sounds familiar for some of us. Everyone, at least, must have a super religious person in his family, or with some cult or ideology. The essay recounts the story of Hughes's loss of faith. Hughes , who is “going on thirteen” at the time, attends a church revival with his Auntie Reed. He literally expects to see Jesus at the revival because the adults in his life have told him that he will see Jesus. The author’s experience its an example of what people do to their other family members, children are the most affected in this area. So many people raise their children with that mentality. I do not agree raise a kid in that way, as I prefer a non-cult or religious education. As the author experience that devastating moments it makes her realized that Jesus doesn’t exist, as he said “and that now I didn't believe there was a Jesus anymo...